3 Treatments For Healthier Scalp

When we talk about hair with our friends, usually we only see the ones that are most obvious. We talk about the hair shafts, the ends, and maybe even the roots, occasionally. But there's something else that's equally important that we may have been accidentally neglecting all this time: our scalp.

Here we've got three tips to getting a healthier scalp in no time at all!

ZALA 3 Treatments For Healthier Scalp

1. Scalp massage

Massaging your scalp can help immensely in many ways.

For one, massaging, in general, improves blood circulation, which can be helpful in promoting hair growth. Two, massaging your scalp gently with your fingers can help spread out the oils in your hair, helping your hair stay hydrated as well as making the roots much stronger.

You can also use hair oils while massaging to further hydrate your hair. Hair oils are absolutely beneficial to your hair, as they can act like a natural conditioner that encourages hair growth and protects your hair from damages and breakages.

2. Deep condition

Did you think deep conditioning your hair just affects... well, your hair?

Actually, deep conditioning also does wonders for your scalp. Just think about it. Deep conditioners can soften and smoothen your tresses, helping you detangle knots in your strands. Tangled strands are some of the most common reason why there's pressure on your scalp, as they can pull on the roots and cause breakage.

By removing the source of the problem, you're also helping your scalp relax more. Plus, you get shinier, smoother hair. Win-win, right?

3. DIY hair masks

Using DIY hair masks every now and then can also help promote a healthier scalp.

One of our favorite things to do is to apply coconut oil directly on our scalp, comb it in, and leave it for a few minutes. Without fail, it always makes our scalp feel so much better than before.

Another one of our favorites is baking soda. This works especially well if you've got scalp problems, such as flakes or dandruff. Just mix the baking soda with a bit of water, leave it on your scalp for 5-10 minutes and voila! Goodbye, flakes!

Did you like our tips? With these three treatments, you'll definitely see (and feel) a healthier scalp in no time at all!

For more tips and tricks, check out our ZALA blog!

April 05, 2019
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